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Dr.Jyothindra Kumar Awards Received - Photogallery

Best Doctor Award Govt of Kerala

Dr.K.Jyothindra Kumar, Professor & Head, Dept of Orthodontics, Govt Dental College, Trivandrum was awarded the Best Doctor in Modern Medicine, in Kerala State for the year - 2000. He is the only Doctor from Dental Education to date  to receive this prestigious award from among all Specialties in Modern Medicine.

Dept of Ortho Felicitation

Dr.K.Jyothindra Kumar, was felicitated for his services to the Dept of Orthodontics & Govt Dental College,Trivandrum as teacher and administrator for forty years. Sri.K.Jaya Kumar, IAS Former Chief Secretary of Govt of Kerala draped him with the traditional "Ponnada" and presents a memento to him.

IOS Life Time Achievement Award
IOS Life Time Achievement Award

Dr.K.Jyothindra Kumar, was honored with the Life Time Achievement Award of the Indian Orthodontic Society in September 2023 at the 57th Indian Orthodontic Conference, Meerut, UP. It is the highest honour that IOS can confer on a member . Dr.Jyothindra Kumars contributions to Orthodontics are multifaceted; practice of orthodontics, teaching , administration, establishing the iconic events of IOS like PG Convention, Mid year Convention and establishing bodies like the Indian Board of Orthodontics.

IADR Life time Achievement Award

Dr.K.Jyothindra Kumar, received the Life Time Achievement Award of the IADR -India Section and ISDR at it 34th Annual Conference in February.2024. His contributions to the Society and Dental Research in India is outstanding. He is a Ph.D guide and established the Doctoral programme of Kerala University. 

Outstanding Clinical Professor Award of IOS

Dr.K.Jyothindra Kumar, awarded the Distinguished Professor Award of the Indian Orthodontic Society at it Annual Conference, at Kolkatta in 2014. Dr.Joseph Varghese, President IOS presented him with the Certificate and a Ponnada on the occassion.

IOS President taking over

Dr.K.Jyothindra Kumar, on assuming charge as President Indian Orthodontic Society presented a plaque to the outgoing President Prof.Krishna Nayak at the Annual Conference of the IOS at Jaipur in 2000.

IBO President taking over

Dr.K.Jyothindra Kumar, is installed as the Chairman of the Indian Board of Orthodontics by the outgoing Chairman, Dr.Ashok Karad at the College of Diplomates meet at Jaipur - 2002

Best Clinical Paper Award

Dr.K.Jyothindra Kumar, receives the Presidents Trophy for the Best Clinical Paper of the Indian Orthodontic Society at its Annual Conference at Kodaikanal in 1994. Prof.D.N.Kapoor is presenting the Award while prof.T.Samraj, Secretary of IOS look on. Dr.Jyothindra Kumar holds the record of winning the Best Clinical Paper and Scientific Paper of the IOS for a record number of eight times.

FDS Conferment

Dr.K.Jyothindra Kumar, receives the Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (FDSRCS)  from the Dean, Prof.Murray Miekle in 2000.

APOS Formation 2001

Dr.K.Jyothindra Kumar, as President of the Indian Orthodontic Society represented India and IOS at the formation of the Asian Pacific Orthodontic Society in 2001 in Tokyo, Japan. IOS is a Founder member of the APOS which then comprised of eleven countries in the Asian Pacific Region.

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