Crafting Captivating Smiles...
Multispecialty Dental Centre
Since 1984
BN-4, Sreekousthubham, Bapuji Nagar
(Pongumood) Ulloor, Trivandrum, Kerala: 695011
Call Us : 90748 56224 / +91 471 3555754
Whats App : +91 62386 59597

International Patients
India is one of the most economical destinations to fly down for a quick dental treatment.​
From simple procedures to complex dentistry, we have been catering to the needs of several paitents from around the world.
Thiruvananthapuram is the capital of the South Indian state of Kerala, and is known for its medieval Temples, serene beaches, unique backwaters, and adventurous hill tracts of the Western Ghats.​
You can revel in the hospitality of our city, while engaging with the oral treatment process.
You can get in touch with us via phone or email.
A Skype or a Zoom call will be much helpful in assessing your condition and analyzing the possible treatment options. We can fix your appointment dates to your convenience.
To avail of treatment in India, you will require a medical visa. The detailed guidelines for the same are available on this link - http://indianvisaonline.gov.in/visa/index.html
We have enduring tie ups with hospitality service providers, who will assist you in planning the trip without any hassles.